IPB University Graduate School in Family Science and Child Development Holds Open House 2023

IPB University Graduate School in Family Science and Child Development Holds Open House 2023


As a promotional and socialization effort, the Master of Family Sciences and Child Development Study Program (Prodi) and Doctor of Family Sciences Study Program (PS IKA) IPB University held an Open House activity, 14/3 virtually. Activities carried out in order to introduce the curriculum and competencies of lecturers and support staff from PS IKA IPB University.

Head of Study Program PS IKA IPB University, Dr Diah Krisnatuti explained about the vision and mission, curriculum, teaching staff and research areas, facilities and prospects for graduates. According to him, to achieve the development of an advanced and prosperous country, of course, it must be supported by the preparation of quality human resources (HR). This is determined by the smallest institution in society, namely the family.

“Family is the first and foremost place for every individual to learn the values, norms and customs that apply in society. So important, but currently there are still various problems facing the family," said Dr Diah.

"IKA IPB University Study Program is present in Indonesia as the only department that focuses on the field of family and child development," he added.

On that occasion, the Deputy for Population Control at the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN), Dr Bonivasius Prasetya Ichtiarto as the keynote speaker emphasized that IPB University has an important role and strategic strength. Not only lecturers, but also the role of students and alumni.

"IPB University is expected to be able to accommodate and see current issues related to human and family resources. IPB University can also synergize with BKKBN, especially in the quality family village program," he said.

Meanwhile, Dr Atalia Praratya, Head of the Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK) Team for West Java Province was also present and gave a speech at this activity. "I appreciate the Open House activities of the IKA IPB University Study Program. Hopefully this can provide benefits for the resilience of families in Indonesia who are healthy and of good quality for the progress of the nation and state," he added.

Representatives of students and alumni from PS IKA IPB University also enlivened this Open House activity by outlining the story of their struggle. One of them is Dr. Nia Reviani, MAPS from the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) who shared her study journey at PS IKA IPB University.

In addition, Setyo Aji Kusnanto, SSi, SPd (Indonesia Heritage Foundation), Meilita Kusramadhanty, MSi (Owner of a Daycare) and Mirdat Silitonga, MSi (BKKBN) also shared their experiences with the hundreds of participants who attended.

Participants came from various backgrounds, both government and private institutions from all over Indonesia who were interested in continuing their studies at PS IKA IPB University, including the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), BKKBN, Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPPA) RI, Empowerment Service Women's Child Protection & Family Planning (DP3AKB) West Java Province, Indonesian Christian University, Al Azhar Indonesia University, Yogyakarta State University, Hasanuddin University, Tanjungpura University and others. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Res)