IPB University Students Perform Environmental Action in Cisarua Bogor

IPB University Students Perform Environmental Action in Cisarua Bogor


The waste problem has long been a complex issue caused by a lack of public knowledge about its handling and impacts. Therefore, IPB University students who are members of the Six Universities Initiative Japan Indonesia (SUIJI) 2023 program at the Rawa Gede site held an Edu-Clean, (4/3).

The Edu-Clean activity aims to increase the awareness of the surrounding community about the importance of waste management and environmental hygiene. The activities were held in Rawa Gede Hamlet, Tugu Utara Village, Cisarua District, Bogor Regency.

“Edu-Clean activities consist of two main programs, namely trash bin making and environment education. Thirteen students participating in SUIJI 2023 at the Rawa Gede site started by making four special trash cans for plastic bottles made of wire and placed them at strategic points, such as around stalls and other public places. The hope is that the community can use it to collect plastic bottle waste that has economic value,” said Pandu Pamungkas, a representative from the SUIJI 2023 participating students.

Furthermore, the environmental education agenda was carried out by inviting PAUD–SD age children to gather at Dudi’s house to learn basic knowledge about waste. Interestingly, as many as 33 children were very enthusiastic about participating in the activity which consisted of watching animated videos, light exercises, and drawing posters.

“The program was very exciting, I already know the difference between organic and inorganic waste. I also enjoy playing with my older siblings,” said Dinda, one of the activity participants.

Apart from the main program, there are two sub-programs of Edu-Clean, namely advocacy posters and ant operations. The students put up advocacy posters about waste in the corners of Rawa Gede Village to increase knowledge about waste. The posters contain knowledge about types of waste and tips on reducing waste.
Meanwhile, the ant operation is an activity of picking up trash in the Rawa Gede village environment every afternoon. In addition to cleaning up the environment from scattered trash, the agenda also aims to increase awareness of the importance of disposing of waste in its place.

Even though it was held in a short time, the Edu-Clean activity was expected to have a sustainable impact on Rawa Gede Village.

Dudi, a resident of Rawa Gede concerned about the waste in his environment, expressed his gratitude to the students who had initiated the program. “I hope that the people of Rawa Gede will pay more attention to environmental cleanliness,” he said.  (LAN/Zul) (IAAS/TNY)