Hey Tayo Teach to Sort Trash on Graduates and Their Families
Yo (Hey Tayo) Hey Trash Activity was held again to coincide with the graduation ceremony phase VII of IPB University at Grha Widya Wisuda (GWW), Dramaga Campus, Bogor (26/6). Activities that have been running for two years are located in two areas, namely at the entrance to the stairs beside the parking lot and the Gladiator stairs.
“We hope for Hey Tayo’s activities when the graduation ceremony can continue. The goal is that Hey Tayo will be recognized by graduates and families of graduates. They know that IPB University has a waste management program in the form of sorting waste from its source,” said Head of Agrianita Department of Resource Economics and Environment (ESL) Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) of IPB University, Rachmasari Ahyar, SP.
Hey Tayo began to be developed in 2018. The activity was an initiation from the Department in collaboration with the Agrianita and Professional Association Resource and Environmental Economics Student Association (REESA) students of the FEM ESL Department, and the Faculty of Agriculture and Indonesia Green Action Forum (IGAF) Student Executive Board (BEM) )
Chairperson of the ESL Department, Dr. Ahyar Ismail strongly supports and facilitates Hey Tayo activities. He hopes that these activities can help IPB University’s Green Campus program.
Hey Tayo activities were welcomed by visitors enthusiastically. Not only adults but also children care about garbage. Therefore, it is expected that more people will have a sense of caring for the sorting of waste which will become a habit.
“The hope is that the habit of sorting this garbage can be brought to the house and this small role will later have a big impact on our environment,” he added. (Ang / Zul)