Professor of IPB Developing Medicinal Herbs to Treat Bleeding Diarrhea in Chickens

Professor of IPB Developing Medicinal Herbs to Treat Bleeding Diarrhea in Chickens


Indonesia has conducted economic studies on broilers infected E. Maxima (cause of coccidiosis or diarrhea) and found that the income of broiler breeders drops by Rp 4.000, – / head / period. If one percent of the chicken population in 2015 was affected by coccidiosis, the loss reached 76 billion rupiah. The economic loss in the United States due to the same case reached 1.5 billion US dollars and in India (2003-2004) caused a loss of Rs 1.14 billion.

For the prevention and control of coccidiosis, breeders usually used medication, vaccination, and cage management. However, the vaccine should be brought in from America or Europe. Vaccine import figures for a year could reach 98 billion rupiah.

Professor of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University (FKH IPB), Prof. Dr. drh. Umi Cahyaningsih, MS is developing vaccines from local isolate ‘Eimeria’ as a basic ingredient of vaccines and medicinal plants to reduce resistance and prevent drug residues in meat and eggs. In a press conference of pre oration at Campus Baranangsiang of IPB Bogor, on Thursday (26/5), Prof. Umi explained that broilers continuously treated with anti-coccidiosis drug for long periods of time will cause Eimeria sp resistant to the drug.

"Our studies have found cases of this resistance on a chicken farm in Tangerang, Bekasi and Bogor. Eimeria oocytes are still found in chicken feces studied, meaning that the protozoa are resistant to the drug. In addition, a continuous use of anti-coccidiosis drug can result in residues in meat, liver and eggs," she said.

"With the presence of Eimeria isolates and medicinal plants of Indonesia that have the potential to prevent and control coccidiosis, there is no need to rely on imported vaccines and basic ingredients of drugs from abroad," she said. (Mtd)