Students of Computer Science and Statistics of IPB Achieved the 1st Champion of MCC

Students of Computer Science and Statistics of IPB Achieved the 1st Champion of MCC

Congratulations to Yuandri Trisapiutra (a student of the Department of Computer Science) and Oktarina Safar Nida (a student of the Department of Statistics) of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) who became the 1st winner in the Mathematics Computation Competition (MCC) held at the State Islamic University (UIN) of Jakarta. They also previously won the silver medal in the category of Data Mining in Gemastik 8.
Math Student Association (Himatika) of the Faculty of Science and Technology of UIN Jakarta held MCC in a Parsial series. Partial is an annual event held Himatika as a forum of creativity and entertainment among the students. MCC is a scientific work competition on informatics. This event can be followed by all active students from various universities in Indonesia.
The final round involved the four best teams from the preliminary round. The four teams are Siap 16 (IPB), BLU STACK (UBL), Matana University, and Duck Head (UIN Jakarta)
Asked about their impression of this activity, Yuandri and Oktarina said:
"Many have inspired us of the speakers at the event, such as Mr. Sidiq Permana an Android expert graduating from of UIN Information Systems. He says that currently Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, and Natural Language Programming is an area most needed in this technological era. At the time of winner announcement, Budi Luhur University team was first announced as the 2nd Champion. Then we were called to be the 1st Champion. Alhamdulillah (Praise be God). Our struggle is paid off with the two gold medals ". *** (Mtd)