The Launching of JFX Center at IPB

The Launching of JFX Center at IPB


Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) in cooperation with PT.Monex Jakarta Futures and Futures Exchange (JFE) has launched Jakarta Futures Exchange Center, on Monday, 17 September 2012.  Vice Chancellor for Business and Communication of IPB,  Dr. Arif Imam Soeroso did the Ribbon Cutting to mark the opening of this Center.  The  Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed on  18  June 2012,  between the Dean of the Faculty of Economics Management of IPB, Dr. Yusman Syaukat, with the Senior Vice President of PT.Monex Futures, Mr.  Hengki Kuncoro, and Director of JFX, Roy Sembel,  in Darmaga Campus.
JFC was founded in order to develop commodity futures trading industry in Indonesia, particularly in Bogor and its surroundings through guidance, and education. In addition it was founded to socialize futures trading activities in the community and college. "JFX Center was established as a scientific, information, and dissemination center for futures trading activities and fostering entrepreneurship and professionalism for the IPB academic community," said Dr.Yusman.
"We want to introduce commodity futures trading to the public as early as possible, therefore, we think thought that we need to introduce and educate the students," said Roy. According to Roy, Indonesia is the world’s leading producer of commodity products such as crude palm oil, coal, coffee, cocoa, tin and gold. Therefore, the prices of primary commodities that are formed in JFX  Securities Exchange should become the reference in world prices in the future. Current commodity prices are based on the International Securities exchanges such as in Amsterdam, London and Malaysia.
The Center which was established at IPB is the 5th of its kind which previously were established at the Unika Soegijapranata,Semarang, UKI, Jakarta, UTN Jogjakarta, and Unila, Lampung. "This year we are targeting to open 10 JFX Center in several universities throughout Indonesia," said Roy. Meanwhile, Branch Manager of JFX Bogor, Ms. Yuli Handayani, welcomed the establishment JFX Center. (Wied).