Mentawai Regent Visited its BUD’ Students at Bogor Agricultural University

Mentawai Regent Visited its BUD’ Students at Bogor Agricultural University


The potencies of a specific area,  be its natural as well as its  human resources,  are assets that must be explored  for the development and advancement of the area. The community of the area is responsible for the exploration of that potencies, which become important instruments to welcome the though  competition in the global era.

As the  implementation of  the development of human resources program for the Mentawai Regency, currently   this local authorities of  Mentawai Regency sends its best students to pursue their undergraduate program at Bogor Agricultural University, by administering scholarships, the Beasiswa Utusan Daerah (BUD). Effecftive the year  2007, when the MoU between the Mentawai District and Bogor Agricultural University had been signed, bathces of students were sent to the University,  5 (five) students on 2008, 6 (six) students on 2010, and 10 (ten) students  on 2011.

To support the development of Mentawai BUD’ grantees, the Mentawai Regent, Mr.   Edison Saluleubaja, visited them on 18 May 2011. He was accompanied by Head of Education Services, and  the Assistant for Local Authority and Regency’ Welfare. The delegates who was led by the Regent is accepted by Director of TPB, Dr Ibnul Qoyim, then continued to make courtesy visit to Rector of Bogor Agricultural University, Prof. DR. Ir  H. Herry Suhardiyanto, MSc. Before terminate his visit,  the Regent had opportunity to meet the students in the Andi Hakim Nasoetion Building, Darmaga Campus. In the meeting, the  Regent expressed, “Keep on studying and be in good spirit. You should be able to develop Mentawai by community development, and should assist the community in developing  in the fields of agriculture ,fisheries and livestock ,"he said . (Wied).