MB-IPB: The Best Business Schools

MB-IPB: The Best Business Schools


Now, MB-IPB receives a mandate from the Ministry of National Education to pioneer a Master of Management program and Masters of Management in Applied Agribusiness in Higher Education through a Distance Learning System. Internally MB-IPB also has long prepared a Master of Sharia Management program. The three programs will be opened soon with the God willing this year. In addition to the three programs, many programs continue to be developed for launching at the right time, such as the program of Ports, Shipping and Logistics Management and International Programs concentrated on the Global Business Competitiveness and Global Entrepreneurship.

"The deliberation of these programs is an evidence that MB-IPB continues to develop and innovate because we believe that an institution should always do this, or this will die (innovative or die)," said Director of the Graduate Program MB-IPB, Dr. Ir.  Arief Daryanto, M.Ec., in his speech in the "Release of Master and Doctoral Alumni of Business Management for 2010/2011, and in the first lecture of Doctoral Program in Business Management of Batch 7", Saturday (21 / 5), at Hotel Four Seasons Jakarta.

According to him, all preparation and development that cover various lines, segments and modes of learning are intended to demonstrate the readiness to welcome the larger mandate of IPB in the form of the Business School status.

"Our readiness and commitment to the greater responsibility can be seen from the new vision of MB-IPB:" Becoming a Local Ingenuity-Based Institution of Management with Global Perspective, influential at the regional and with an International Reputation ", he said.

At the age of twenty since its establishment in 1991, the achievements of MB IPB often become a model for other working units of IPB, for example, its success to become the first unit in IPB to get ISO 9001 is now followed by other units in IPB. In two consecutive years MB-IPB website has been the best in IPB. This year MB-IPB is also directly put in the second best webometricc ranking nationally in the category of Business School and the best 10 rankings in ASEAN at the first registration. Externally, MB-IPB with its good reputation already established continues to become the bridge for IPB to strengthen relations and expand the network with the business world through various partners and alumni who has held various key positions in various sectors, regions and managerial levels. Another very strategic contribution to the development of management education and business in Indonesia is the appointment of Dr. Ir. Arief Daryanto, MEC as Chairman of APMMI (Indonesian Association of Management Master Program).

Continuous innovation

Meanwhile, with respect to the efforts of IPB to innovate, IPB Rector Prof.  Dr. Ir. Herry Suhardiyanto, M.Sc., said that IPB as one of the leading universities need to continue to develop its innovating capacity to contribute to an increased breakthrough in research and technology development. Thus, an innovative environment in the campus of IPB is a must. One important requirement of creating an innovative environment is interaction and learning, or learning through extensive interactions between stakeholders, professors / researchers, students and alumni.

"The trust in the form of a mandate from the Directorate General of Higher Education to hold a Master of Management program specialized for Higher Education Management and Applied Agribusiness Management through a Distance Learning System, as well as preparation for the opening of the Master of Sharia Management program is an evidence that MB-IPB continues to develop and innovate in order to responds to the demands and needs of various sectors of higher education today and the future, "said Rector.

According to him, IPB has also been and remains committed to the best contribution in the development of national innovation. In 2010, IPB lecturers were again dominant in the list of Most Prospective Innovative Works of Indonesia 2010 based on the results of selection by Business Innovation Center (BIC) and the Ministry of Research and Technology, that is, out of 102 innovative works, 49 inventions (almost 50%) are the works of IPB lecturers.

"This achievement confirms similar achievements in previous years. The award is a manifestation of IPB’s commitment to presenting the best innovative works resulting from the research and technology development for Indonesia," said Rector (mtd)


Best Graduates of Master of Management, MB IPB
Goldati Agritha, GPA of 3.97

 "Studying in the MB-IPB needs discipline to complete various tasks assigned; it can not be as relaxed as that of the undergraduate level or strata 1. MB-IPB, compared to other universities, has several advantages including its education system, curriculum, types of assignments so that students can explore the materials and work in groups. Not only that; the methodology and presentation of report writing are also one of IPB advantages compared with other universities. "

Best Graduate of Doctoral Program, MB IPB
Dr. Ir. Achmad Fachrodji, MM., GPA of  3.97

"In every official meeting at national and international level, I feel to have better ability after completing the doctoral program in MB IPB especially in expressing ideas. Such knowledge and experience is also useful in business negotiations with various parties in order to obtain better results.
The advantage of taking studies in MB IPB for the doctoral program compared to similar programs is, in addition to building networking, the commitment of professors, who are very easy to contact anywhere and anytime. 

Meanwhile the students are given the freedom to explore all their capabilities, express and actualize themselves so that in their development they are more confident in everything." (Mtd)


Minister of Agriculture, the Republic of Indonesia, Dr.Ir. Suswono, MM.
“Continue to generate militan cadres and brilliant ideas to build an exellent agriculture of the future. Indonesia expects from you, PB!”

Minister of State-Owned Entreprise, Dr.Ir. Mustafa Abubakar, M.Si.
“A great hope for IPB to offer strategic contribution to the generation of CEOs of  agro business and other businesses to support the accelarated program od development, expansion and improvement of Indonesia economy”.