Work Visit to Kediri, Rector of IPB was Asked for a Talk Show at the Local TV of Dhoho

Work Visit to Kediri, Rector of IPB was Asked for a Talk Show at the Local TV of Dhoho


Rector of IPB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Herry Suhardiyanto Herrera, M. Sc, delivered a general lecture with the title "Struggling Spirit in Indonesian Agricultural Development" at the Hall Room of Simpang Lima Monument, Gumul, of Kediri Regency (26 / 4). Rector made a presentation about the importance of the younger generation of Kediri to love and understand the importance of agriculture for the benefit and welfare of the nation. He also asked and motivated students to continue learning and improving the quality of education, research and community services. The event was attended by about 700 high school (SMA/SMK/MA) students from the whole Kediri regency, with great enthusiasm from the beginning to the end of the event. The general lecture was guided by the Head of Sub Directorate of Business Analysis under the Directorate of Business and Partnership IPB, Ir. Lusi Fauzia, M.Ec. 

Before delivering speeches, Rector of IPB and Head of Kediri Regency signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between IPB and Kediri Regency in education, research and community services. In her speech, Head of Kediri Regency, Dr Hj. Haryanti Sutrisno said that the development in Kediri is always focused on the human development in its entirety as mentioned in the vision of Kediri Regency. So far in the development of agriculture, Kediri has formed a partnership consultation with IPB, especially in the control of pest and plant diseases affecting rice, corn and chilies as well as in developing pineapple seedlings called Semooth Kayen. It is expected that in the future, the cooperation can be further improved.

Then, Head of Kediri Regency, accompanied among others by the Head of Education Services with the delegations of IPB management (Rector, Vice Rector of Business and Communication, Director of Cooperation and International Program and Executive Secretary), together visited the exhibition stands of IPB which displayed a variety of processed products and technology from the experts and lecturers of IPB. It was then followed by a discussion with the Heads of related offices/SKPD.

This activity was the initiative of Sanyuri (a social organization). Sanyuri, which was founded in 1973, is an organization of Kediri residents who migrate and work outside Kediri. Present in the activity, as the representative members of Sanyuri who work in IPB, were Prof. Muladno and Dr. Anggraini. In this official visit, Rector of IPB was accompanied by Vice-Rector of Business and Communication, Director of Cooperation and International Program, Executive Secretary, Head of Sub-Directorate of Business Analysis, and Head of Public Relations and Protocol Division.

In the work visit to Kediri Regency, Rector of IPB was asked to be one speaker at the Local TV Talk Show ‘Dhoho’ Kediri along with two other resource persons, namely Chairman of the Expert Board of Sanyuri Kediri Raya and Initiator of Excellent Kediri Movement, Ir. Catur to talk about the topic "Excellent Kediri Movement." (Mtd)