To Celebrate Kartini Day, IPB’ Women Participated The Cancer Seminar

To Celebrate Kartini Day, IPB’ Women Participated The Cancer Seminar


The seminar on cervical and breast cancer was conducted by Agrianita of IPB to celebrate the Kartini Day, and was participated by about 300 women under the Bogor Agricultural University, Wednesday, 20 April 2011, at the Auditorium Andi Hakim Nasoetion,  Darmaga Campus. They were enthusiastic to attend the seminar with Dr. Emi Rachmawati and RH Sigit Purnomo Sidi, both  cancer experts  of the Indonesia Cancer Foundation (YKI), as speakers.

Such seminar with Agrianita Choir performances, was officially opened by Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs Prof. Yonny Koesmaryono. In his remarks he  expressed his appreciation for Agrianita group which has successfully  initiated the implementation of the seminar.

According to Dr. Poernomo the cervical cancer  is the growth of abnormal cells in the cervix. The cause of  cancer, he continued, is still uncertain, and approximately 90 percent of viruses associated with human papilloma (Human Papilloma Virus = HPV).

"If the cervical cancer is ditected at early levels, namely at the pre-cancerous stage, it can  be cured. Paptes is a method to detech the cervical cancer at an early level. The qualified and trained doctors or midwifes will be able  to perform Paptes, "said Dr. Poernomo.
At the Breast Cancer session, Dr. Emi through her demonstration doll demonstrated  how to implement Self Breast Check (Sadari). This method is intended to detect breast tumors as early as possible. This Self Breast Check (Sadari) is recommended to be practiced once a month,  to be exact a  week after the  menstrual period is terminated.

"Pay attention if there is a swelling or lumps felt. All lump or hardening of the breast areas should be examined by a doctor. However, not all lumps or hardening of the breast area is cancer, "said Dr. Emi. (Wied).