Posdaya Cadres Undertook Training Course at the Posdaya Learning Center

Posdaya Cadres Undertook Training Course at the Posdaya Learning Center


A total of six of Post Family Empowerment (Posdaya) of Bogor, Cianjur and Sukabumi Regencies were selected to undertake Posdaya Training on "Learning Centers" which was organized by the Center for Human Resource Development (P2SDM) LPPM IPB, on Thursday, 14 April 2011, and its opening ceremony took place at the Baranangsiang Kampus. This Training Course  is intended for the managers of Posdaya Rural Training Centre (P4).

Those six Posdaya were Posdaya “Kenanga”, Situ Gede, Posdaya “Bina Sejahtera”, Pasirmulya,  both from West Bogor District, Posdaya “Benteng Harapan”, Benteng,  Ciampea District, Bogor regency, Posdaya “Mandiri Terpadu”, Cikarawang, Dramaga District, Bogor regency, Posdaya “As-Salam”, Sirnagalih, Cianjur regency, and Posdaya “Bina Sejahtera Mandiri”, Cisolok,  Sukabumi regency.

The two-day course was officially opened by Deputy Chief of LPPM IPB for Community Service Division, Dr. Prastowo. "Posdaya is a community development program, that integrate all the exisiting institutions in economics, health, education and environment. Thus, the development of Posdaya will inspire the spirit to be benefitial to others, "said Dr. Prastowo in his remarks, which was accompanied by Head P2SDM LPPM IPB, Dr.Pudji Mulyono.

According to keynote speaker, Dr. Rohadi Haryanto of Damandiri Foundation, the role of P4 is a media to transfer knowledge and skills for establishing and developing Posdaya by sending trained staff to become facilitators or trainers, and by inviting observers as well. The important aspects to be considered are the data collection, mapping, agreement, administrators election, technical management of field activities, funding, administration and reporting activities of Posdaya.

On this course, participants got TC material that includes "Strategy to organize Posdaya, Management, and Reporting" by Ir. Mintarti, M.Sc., from P2SDM LPPM IPB. "Posdaya Cadres  should be ready to be trainers. But prior to implement their assignments, they have to strengthen their own  institution first.  One of the indicators for the the developed Posdaya, is the number of the communities involved in the POSDAYA, "said Ir. Mintarti, M.Sc.

The first day, the participants visited Benteng Harapan, at Ciampea District, Bogor regency, which also part of village circumference of Darmaga campus. While on the second day, the participants learned theory and practice, namely the Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) by H. Sharia Hendri Tanjung, M. Ag, M. Phil., faculty member of the University of Ibn Khaldun (UIKA), Bogor;  Family Tree Mapping by Dra. Nia Ramdaniah, Head of Sectrion of  KB BPMKB Bogor City, nutrition garden by Dr.Ir. Dewi Sukma, from the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture Bogor Agricultural University. (Wied).