After 10 Years of Existance, FEM IPB Started to Reorganize

After 10 Years of Existance, FEM IPB Started to Reorganize


With the  theme of togetherness, efficient, equitable and sustainable and environmentally sound principles, Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) of Bogor Agricultural University celebrated its 10th Anniversary, on 6 April 2011. To mark the opening of the  Dies Natalis of FEM, it organized the Academic Workshop on the Scientific and Institutional Development at the Auditorium Toyib Hadiwijaya,  Darmaga Campus, on 6 April 2011.

"In the FEM present Dies, we encouraged all FEM stakeholders to implement  educational programs that have been mandated by the Indonesian Constitution. With reference to that, FEM has decided “Green Economic Towards Sustainable Development” as its theme for its  Dies Natalis, "said Chairman of the Dies Committee, Dr. Ir. Achyar Ismail, M. Agr.

Meanwhile, in his Remarks the Dean of FEM, Dr. Yusman Syaukat requested to accelerate  the A accreditation for its Undergraduate, especially the Department of Economics of the Environmental Resources (ESL). The objectives of the Seminar were to recalibrate the direction of the development of scientific and institutional of FEM IPB.

We should revise the uniqueness of  our faculty of economics which is distinctive compare to other faculty of economics of other universities. On this occasion, I hope faculty members of FEM of Bogor Agricultural University will evaluate whether our Faculty is on the right tract, do we  need cross – knowledge or do we need general departments such as accounting, "he said.

Programs to celebrate the present Dies Natalis are fewer compared to the previous Dies Natalis which only consisted of 28 items. Seven programs have been planned as follows: (1). The  Opening of the FEM Dies; (2). The Dean’ Cup for futsal, volley ball, table tennis and chess;  (3). The Departmental Cleanliness Competition; (4). Family Day; (5). Economic Contest (Winners will be admitted to be FEM students without taking the Admission Test); (6). Orange Book III;  and (7). Closing of the Dies where the Public Lecture by Dr. Joyo Winoto will be held. (Wied).