Practical Work of Ecotourism Students from the Diploma Program IPB at Gunung Walat

Practical Work of Ecotourism Students from the Diploma Program IPB at Gunung Walat


Sixty (60) ecotourism students of the Diploma Program – Bogor Agricultural University impelemented their practical work on health tourism, recreation parks, and camping in the Education Forest Gunung Walat, Cicantayan Village, Cibadak District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java.

Chairman of the Study Program on Ecotourism of the Diploma Program of IPB, Ir Tutut Sunarminto, M. Si, was accompanied by Ir Dr Ricky Avenzora, M. Sc, stated that the activity was lasted for for four days, on 7-10 April 2011.

"The Practical Work which was repackaged into  the students camp, and was ended by course exam, was a new of its kind, as the exam was not conducted in the indoor," he said. According to him, the Study Program on Ecotourism carried out such  method for the first time in 2011, and was welcome enthusiasticly by students.

"In addition to be the venue for the practical work and exam, this kind of activity enable  students to understand and explore the theories they learn, and test them in simulations that assigned by  their  lecturers," he said.

Subject lecturer  on health tourism, recreation parks and camp of Bogor Agriccuotural University, Dr.  Ricky Avenzora, explained the objectives of  ecotourism program are to train students to be the intermediate experts in the field of natural recreation and ecotourism with a basic natural resource conservation. They are expected to acquire the competencies and skills to design, develop and manage forest resources for the benefit of nature tourism and ecotourism with due regard to the principle of forest sustainability in the long term.Finally, in addition to be the reliable tour operators on natural and eco-tourism, they will be capable to develop and design nature tourism packages and ecotourism.

Tutut Sunarminto added, that the implementation of such practical work  in the  Education Forest Gunung Walat, which is managed by the Faculty of Forestry Borgor Agricultural University, is show and  promote to the public at large of the existence of the education forest for its optimal  utilization. Gunung Walat Education Forest (HPGW) is covering  an area of 359 hectares, located in Cicantayan Village, Cibadak Subdistrict, Sukabumi, West Java Province.

According to Decree (SK) Menhut (Ministry of Forestry) No.188/Menhut/II/2005 decided the  forest functions HPGW with  Special Purpose (KHDTK) and has mandated its  management to the Faculty of Forestry Bogor Agricultural University. KHDTK HPGW carries a special purpose as the Education and Training Forest. The HPGW is managed by the Faculty of Forestry, especially to carry out its Tridharma (three responsibilities)  that include the education, research and community service. (Wied).