RRI Dialogue: Doing Business of Rosella

RRI Dialogue: Doing Business of Rosella


Since they were students, Aji Ahmad and Bakhtiar Alam, graduates of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) have been in the business of Rosella drink. Initially they started the business as a distributor of Rosella beverage. In 2009, they took the initiative to produce Rosella drink by themselves and marketed it in the campus. "We started with modest capital, namely, stove, pan and filter. We produce it in the dorm. Alhamdulillah (Praise be to God) our products were favored by our friends. A single production could reach 25-50 packets  of Rosella beverage," said Aji.

It was from this home industry that Ahmad, Aji and Ary Purbayanto gained the venture to participate  in the competition of Young Entrepreneurship held by DIKTI (Higher Education), Ministry of National Education. Their efforts were successful; their business proposal was approved and got a capital of Rp 24 million. With this, they developed their business more seriously. They also receive business guidance from the academic member of IPB. "We have developed a range of innovative products. Currently we have managed to produce 2000 bottles per day and distribute them to about 400 outlets in Jabodetabek (Greater Jakarta).

According to Alam, the key to the success in the business world lies in the "DNA”: Dream and Action. "We must dare to dream and make it come true. Doing a business does not have to begin with money as the capital. We can run a business by using business ideas, capital and labor of others. All depends on the courage and our managerial skills," said Alam. They are committed to continuing this business of Rosella drinks.  They hope it could create new jobs for the surrounding environment. (Mtd)