Public Lecture of Gorontalo Governor at Bogor Agricultural University

Public Lecture of Gorontalo Governor at Bogor Agricultural University


Bureaucracy is often considered complicated and have caused a long process that investors are reluctant to invest in our country, and this will hamper our national development and will stifle our  investment competitiveness as well,  addressed   the  Governor of Gorontalo, Dr. Ir. Gusnar Ismail, MM, in the  public lecture held at the Auditorium Andi Hakim Nasution of Bogor Agricultural University,  Darmaga Campus, Bogor, on 24 March 2011.

With reference to the  article appeared at the business media,  Dr. Gusnar stated that to start for a business in Indonesia, it should go through 11 (eleven) procedures over 76 (seventy six) days, whereas in Malaysia, it will take only  9 procedures and 13 days, in China 14 procedures and 40 days,  and in Singapore it takes only 4 (four) procedures for 4 (four) days. Finally, according to the world bank group records in 2010,  to launch a foreign investment in Indonesia it took  86 (eighty six) days.

The red tape does  not only occur in central government but also in local government. Realizing that bureaucracy may hamper the development of Gorontalo province, then the provincial government has immediately reformed the bureaucratic structures of government, in investment and  licencing processes which previously  take a longer time will  be simplified. The principle of Dr. Gusnar,   though his  local authority  is poor in organization, but the result of the bureaucracy  reform will perform better assignments.

In addition to develop their  economic development of Gorontalo, Dr. Gusnar  will develop this province by promoting its  major commodity, corn.  To achieve this program, the Governor will  set up his provincial government bureaucrates, some posts will be designated for the  graduates of Bogor Agricultrual University, "so if  Gorontalo province fails, Bogor Agricultural University also fail," the joke he made for the audiences and was responded  by laughters of the audiences who were  mostly the academy communities.

Not only to increase their corn production, the Governor has also prepared channels to  market their superior  commodities.  If the marketing of those native products is not well prepared, the  abundant of corn productions as well as its prices will go down, that  cause   farmers  lose their  money.

Further, with regards to the graduates of Bogor Agricultural University, Prof Yonny Koesmaryono, appealed that they should go back  to their hometown immedietly after they are  graduated to assist their local  authorities. "Especially Gorontalo which is now focusing its economic development in agriculture," said Prof.Yonny. (Wied).