Hundreds Agrimandiri Entrepreneurial Got Together at Bogor Agricultural University Campus

Hundreds Agrimandiri Entrepreneurial Got Together at Bogor Agricultural University Campus


A total of 197 participants who had participated  the Intensive Agribusiness on Freshwater Fish and Livestock Entrepreneurship Training, which was jointly organized by  Bogor Agricultural University  and West Java Provincial Government attended and made courtecy call to the Head Animal Husbandry and the Head of and Fisheries and Marine Services of the  West Java. The audiency was to present the Youth Entrepreneurial Program, and was implemented at the Campus Darmaga, 11 March 2011.

The  meeting was to  discuss the implementation of their entrepreneurs programs that will be implemented soon. The Head of The Center for Human  Resources Development (P2SDM), Dr.Pudji Mulyono,  reported that within the last 2 months the Center has briefed the participants who were representatives from all districts of West Java. In the Course, they  were given fishery and farm business management, technology of Agribusiness, preparing business plan, and various softskill.

Further, with reference to the proposal the participants submitted, Dr.  Pudji stated that the majority of participants are interested in entrepreneurship of catfish farming and fattening sheep. One of the participants, Mr. Muhammad Soleh from Bekasi, explained by undertaking such course, his colleague farmers come to him for consultation on their  animal problems.
In this event, Rector of Bogor Agricultural University, Prof. Herry Suhardiyanto,  acknowledged the West Java Provincial Government which has entrusted those participants to undertake Entrepreneurship Training Course organized by its University. 

This course was actually the University respond  to the food security problem, the issue to  fulfill the protein needs of the nation as well as to expand employment, said Rector. He  expected that the youth will become tough and systemized entrepreneurs, who will be mastering the market from upstream to downstream.

Similar statement was also presented  by the Head of Department of Animal Husbandry Service  of West Java Province, Mr. Kusmayadi, MSc. "Do not just thinking  of cultivation, must also consider its market,”  he said. Therfore, he suggested that the Agri Mandiri youth should establish an institution that facilitate them for their communication networks.

Related to the proposals prepared by the Agri Mandiri youths, Mr. Kusmayadi, MSc will review and invite participants to have internship works at Livestock and Fisheries and Marine UPTD in West Java.  (Wied).