Bogor Agricultural University Inagurated Four New Buildings

Bogor Agricultural University Inagurated Four New Buildings


As many as 4 new buildings were inaugurated at Bogor Agricultural University on 14  February 2011. Those four new buildings are,  the Faculty of Forestry, Agriculture Media Center, Public Electronic Agrimedia (Green TV), and Development Incubator Production.

The inauguration took place at the Electronic Agrimedia (Green TV), and after the signing of the  inscription stone then the audiencies were guided to inspect the offices  in the building,  which  are consisted of a recording room, editing suites, production room, executive offices, and the staff room is in the center. The building was the founder of the of IPB TV station.
In his remarks  Rector of IPB, Prof.Dr.Ir.  Herry Suhardiyanto, MSc. Stated that the Electronic Agrimedia Building was built not only as the development center for creativity in the production of information packages, but also as a center for practical works of students.

Further, Rector stated, that the  Green TV is designed to produce a educational variety shows, especially related to agriculture in the broad sense, including aspects of food security, bioenergy, environmental sustainability, and for the  poverty alleviation. 

Rector informed that some  TV stations showed their interests to cooperate with Bogor Agricultural University to  develop  packages for their TV programs.

In addition, the establishment of Green TV is actually an effort to produce TV progam on agricultural education, as well as to bring the University closer to the  public at large", he said

The new building for the Faculty of Forestry Building, is a three-story building, it is  ready for student activities. The 1st floor will be for office of the Dean of the Faculty, the 2nd floor will be for lecture rooms with capacity of 70 people/room, the  3rd floor will be for computer lab.

The other two building  are Media Center and the Agriculture Production Incubator. The media  center is a center to brief guests who plan to  conduct field trips  to the experimental gardens  of  the University, therfore, it was built close by the experimental gardens.

While the production Incubator Building is for novice entrepreneur who are in the process of developing their  business, therefore, the function rooms are designed in such a way to exhibit  the concept of display room, (Wied).