Indonesian Association of Animal Farm Scientists Recently Founded

Indonesian Association of Animal Farm Scientists Recently Founded


Early Friday morning (11 / 2) an organization was set up, called Himpunan Ilmuwan Peternakan Indonesia abbreviated as HILPI (Indonesian Association of Animal Farm Scientists). Prof. Dr. Ir. Muladno, MSA, a lecturer of Bogor Agricultural University, was elected chairman for the period of 2011-2015 in its first Congress in IPB Baranang Day and announced in the National Seminar of HILPI at IICC on the same day.

According to Prof. Muladno, at present, there have been a lot of research results that are not applied by the communities. The studies were conducted not to find solutions in the field and the optimization of local resources is still stagnant. Meanwhile, the work of scientists is to improve their research performance.

So, with the birth of HILPI, it is expected to become a forum for the animal farm scientists to discuss, coordinate and seek solutions to various problems in the field of animal breeding. HILPI is an organization with independent position and using accurate data it will provide good and constructive information to the government.

The Spirit for Meat Self sufficiency Must Continue to Exist
The Government plan of meat self-sufficiency is sill highly welcomed by researchers of animal breeding. This was expressed during the press conference of the HILPI National Seminar in IPB ICC (11 / 2).

"Achieving the self-sufficiency in local meat of 90%, I think, is still very difficult. However, whether the meat self-sufficiency is achieved or not, we must remain optimistic and the motivation to the direction (meat self-sufficiency) must still exist," said Prof. Muladno. According to him, now there have been a lot of people who are interested in the investment in livestock. 

However, many investors complain about the many problems they encounter in this field. Therefore, Prof. Muladno suggests that the government provide facilities, if an investor is interested in the industry of livestock breeding. "Because going into this industry, one has to wait 5-10 years for the profit," he added.
While Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry (Fapet) IPB, Dr. Luki Abdullah added that in the remaining three-year deadline, as an agricultural college that becomes the benchmark in both national and international levels, the IPB’s support is no longer in the realm of research but it would support the government, which has planned a census of livestock. (mtd)