IPB Socializes Posdaya (Family Empowerment Post) Through OST (Observation Study Tour) Program

IPB Socializes Posdaya (Family Empowerment Post) Through OST (Observation Study Tour) Program


Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) held an Observation Study Tour to the Family Empowerment Posts (Posdaya) in Town and Regency of Bogo, involving as many as 150 participants from various regions, Monday (7 / 2) in Bogor. They come from the local government of the Town of Palu (town government officials, PKK team, district and sub-district chiefs), Provincial Government of South Sulawesi, Provincial Government Central Sulawesi, University of Tadulako, community leaders and youth of Cianjur, Rumah Zakat, PT Ak-zonobel, University of Ibn Khaldun and BAZ of Bogor Town.

The OST activity is to socialize the Posdayas under the assistantship of Human Resource Development Centre (P2SDM), Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) IPB. "We want to socialize Posdaya to the general public," said Head of P2SDM LPPM IPB, Dr. Pudji Mulyono in his speech.

Meanwhile, Head  of LPPM IPB, Prof. Dr.Bambang Pramudya said that Posdaya was established in 2005 in the cooperation of  P2SDM LPPM-IPB and Damandiri Foundation. "Currently there are 80 Posdayas in the Municipality of Regency of Bogor," said Prof. Bambang. Head of Damandiri Foundation, Dr. Subiakto Cakrawardaya said that the presence of Posdaya will greatly assist the government in an effort to overcome poverty. "Posdaya has the concept of community independence through families and it is a means for the people to strive for their own welfare. This is a very appropriate concept to apply in the face of the globalization era as it is today," said Dr. Subiakto.

The participants were taken to three Posdayas under the guidance of IPB, namely  Posdaya Mandiri Terpadu Cikarawang in Bogor Regency, Posdaya Kenanga in the Sub-district of Situgede of Bogor Town, and Posdaya Benteng Harapan in the Sub-district of Benteng of Bogor Regency. (mtd)