Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Bogor Agricultural University Towards International Accreditation

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Bogor Agricultural University Towards International Accreditation


Rector of Bogor Agricultural University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Herry  Suhardiyanto, M. Sc.,  met the representatives of the Australian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC), Prof. John Edwards on Rectorate Office, on 19 January 2011, to  discuss the  international accreditation for  the  Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Bogor Agricultural University from AVBC. This is a Technical Asistant Meeting towards the international accreditation for our  Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. FKH IPB is in the process for international accreditation, "said Dr. drh. Bambang Pontjo the Responsible staff for the International Accreditation  Program, who is currently also Chairman of the Department of Clinical Pathology Reproductive of  FKH IPB.

According to him, this year we are in the third year of the International  Accreditation  process. He expects that  this year FKH IPB will successfully finalize all the accreditation documents. Prof. John Edwards, was  here in Bogor to get the first hand information required for the international accreditation  process, and checked all the supporting documents for the accreditation by the AVBC.

"AVBC has a  link with the UK,  which is interpreted that the  AVBC has established  wider  network in Europe. At least by getting  accreditation from AVBC (Australia), through the  link and the networks  the AVBC has established, we will also be recognized by  European Veterinarians. In addition,  other matters which are importants for AVBC for accrediation are,  curriculum, facilities, teaching-learning process, subject contents, alumni, animal hospitals, the number of animals being utilized  by students for their laboratory works, to standardize the the teaching process with international standards, "he explained. (Wied).