IPB socializes New Student Admission Channels

IPB socializes New Student Admission Channels


Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) introduced the way for new students to enter universities  through the National Selection For State University Entrance (SNMPTN) in the Undergraduate Educational Program Seminar "Expanding Access and Improving Quality of Education" on Wednesday (19 / 1), at IPB International Convention Center.

"For 30 years, IPB has implemented its system of new student admission by examining talents and interests called USMI (Selection Invitation for Admission to IPB (USMI). But since the enactment of Regulation No.66/2010, the admission channel by observing talents and interests, including USMI has been considered as an independent test path. Further, for a number of reasons, the selection by the invitation (USMI) is finally integrated into SNMPTN," said Rector of IPB, Prof. Dr.Ir.Herry Suhardiyatno, M.Sc.

IPB Rector, as Chairman of the Committee for the National Selection for State University Entrance (SNMPTN) said, SNMPTN, which is followed by 60 state universities, has two paths, i.e., written test and invitations to achieving students. The invitation channel will be opened from February to March. State universities are expected to accept students through the SNMPTN at the minimum of 60 %.

Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs IPB, Prof. Yonny Koesmaryono says the capacity of IPB through SNMPTN 2011 is 83 % for invitations and test channels,  10% for Independent Talent Test (UTM), and 7 % for Regional Representative Scholarships (BUD) and the International and National Achievement channel (PIN). "The registration for SNMPTN uses an online system. The participants taking the invitation channel are the schools registered in the SNMPTN database system in 2010 and are prioritized for those holding the accreditations of A and B. The schools participating in the invitation channels propose their best applicants to be selected as candidates for new students at the universities of their interest," explained Prof. Yonny.  Participants can choose two state universities and from each university they choose three study programs they desire.

On the occasion also present as speakers were Prof. Dr. Illah Sailah, Director of Learning and Students Affairs,  Directorate General of Higher Education in the Ministry of National education; Dr. Anas Miftah Fauzi , Vice Rector for Research and Cooperation IPB; and Dr. Ibnul Qayyim, Director of the TPB IPB. (mtd)