Arif Imam Suroso: entrepreneur Spirit Should be Tranmitted

Arif Imam Suroso: entrepreneur Spirit Should be Tranmitted


Closing Ceremony of the “Pelatihan Pemuda Agrimandiri 2010” (Joint Course between West Java Provincial Government, P2SDM IPB, PUSDIKZI). I am very impressed with the spirit transmitted  from this room. I expect that you will become special entrepreneur or agripreneur, as in addition to be skillfull in  animal husbandry or fishery, you will also capable to memorize the Koran. That spirit must be kept on burning and be transmitted to others when you are on services.

This statement was delivered by the Vice Rector for Business and Communication, Dr.Ir.H. Arif Imam Suroso, M.Sc., at the closing of the Pelatihan Pemuda Agrimandiri 2010, which was jointly organized by West Java provincial government, the Center for Human Resources Development (P2SDM IPB), and PUSDIKZI, on 8 January 2011, in Pusdikzi, Bogor. "I’m sure that the barriers will disappear by itself, moreover as  the spirit  still present in each  participant, " he said.

Dr. Arif Imam explained, the huge potency of agriculture in West Java, especially in the livestock and fisheries sectors, with particular reference on fish catching. Therefore, there are  a lot of posibilities to develop freshwater fish farming, especially catfish, common carps and gourami. ": It is obvious that we develop fishery subsector for our life," he said.
For the livestock subsector, he stated, that the quality of livestock is really  needed by West Java community. Moreover, as the need for meat in West Java is supplied from outside the West Java province. Such situation provides opportunity for us to develop the livestock business, mainly in meat production as the main products, as well as  value added productions, and its byproducts," he said.
One of the participants, representatives of fishery commodities, Suryadi, was grateful that he undertook the course as he learned a lot of innovations  that gives a positive value for him. "We are very grateful to undertake such course with the motto "discipline, practice, learn and success that provide good impact for us all," in his testimony. He explained that the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (NOA) has targeted that Indonesia to be the largest fish producer in the world in 2014.

The dream will not come true if we, the fish farmers do not work hard and struggling for  maximum result. By undertaking the course, we were expected to be successful entreprenours, noble men, and to be rich men who will be granted a place in heaven," he stated and with applause by participants.

Meanwhile, Project Manager of Research Center for Human Resources Development (P2SDM) LPPM IPB, Dr. Pudji Mulyono, M.Sc., said the training course was participated by 200 (two hundred) participants, out of 485 (four hundred eighty five) applicants, and of the 357 (three hundred fifty seven) participants who took the test. "Participation rate was 98.5 (ninty eight point five) percent, 3 (three) participants  resigned during the process, one of them had been accepted for employment elsewhere," he said.

He reported that the participants who took business plan were around 184 (one hundred eighty four), 75 (seventy five) percent of them stated that they were satisfied with the course given as well as its course materials. Subject matters given during the course were: cultivation, management, technology application, business plan, and community development. Resource persons for this course were successful entrepreneurs, community leaders,  ESQ, and  professional lecturers and tutors.

Meanwhile, Head  of Agricultural Service on Food Crops (Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan), Dr. Endang Suhendar, stated that the alumnaeae of this Training Course will be given priority to get capital funds and chanelizing them into the market. Further, he advised that they keep on working and to be creative when they pratice or serve  public. (Wied).