Suritech Obtains Award from President SBY

Suritech Obtains Award from President SBY


On December 20th, 2010, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ari Purbayanto, M. Sc. received an award of “Rintisan Pengembangan Teknologi Industri 2010“ (Industrial Technology Development Pioneer of 2010) from the President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Earlier this innovation received an award from the Minister of Research and Technology as one of the Most Prospective Innovation in 2010. He received this award because this tool is mainly used by small and medium industries, although in a small portion it is also used by large fishing companies.

Prof.Dr.Ir. Ari Purbayanto, M.Sc., a staff of the Department of Fishery Resources Utilization, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences IPB, creates Surimi (fresh creamed meat)-based fish-processing equipment. Prof. Ari described it as a resource person in the Evening Dialogue of RRI, 28/12. Suritech Technology is an appropriate but not high technology, so it is suitable for use by the communities (small-medium industries or businesses) and it is very easy to operate. It can be used not only on land but also on the sea, but the electricity supply is unstable on the sea.

Further, Prof. Ari said, the fishing companies in eastern Indonesia capture only certain fish species, and discard other fish caught. Thus, with the presence of this tool, discarded fish can be processed and become a commodity having high-enough economic value. "To improve research, so we set up and simultaneously distribute these tools. We also established PT. Technique Samuera Mandiri," he said. (mtd)