18% of Bogor Agricultural University Students are From Poor Families

18% of Bogor Agricultural University Students are From Poor Families


According to the record,  aapproximately 18%  (eighteen percent) of students of Bogor Agricultural University are  from poor families. Therefore,  funding supports  or scholarships administered by Parents Students Association  (POM),  a formal organization in the campus, will be very helpful in assisting  students to finalize their study, especially as currently the state universities are  required to accept around  20% (twenty percent) of their new students should be from the poor families. As stated by the Rector of Bogor Agricultural University, Prof.Harry  Suhardiyanto, MSc. When he  inaugurated Dr. Hashim (Dean of Faculty Mathematics and Natural Science) as the new Chairman of  Parents Students Association (POM), on 21 December 2010.

Past POM Chairman, Ir. H. Imam Purwanto, reported that  since 2003 approximately 3262 (three thousand two hundred sixty two) students were granted scholarships by POM. In addition to scholarship, POM also provided funding support for tutorials programs of students whose academic performance were degraded and also medical expenses for ill students. Ir. Imam stated that  80% (eighty percent)  POM funds will be returned  to students.

POM Chairman-elect, Dr. Hashim, requested the affluent parents of student to play important roles to support to parents of students who are less fortunate. With regard to the residential facilities, he stated that there should be house certification  for students.

The Officers of POM for  2011-2013 period are as follows: Dr. Ir. Hashim, DEA (Chairman), Ir. Burhanudin Muhamadiah (Co-Vice Chairman for Business & Fund Management), Ir. Denny Maulasa, MM (Co-Vice Chairman for Student Welfare), Ir. Suhartono, MM (Co-Vice Chairman for  Facilities), Eka Yudha Prya, SE (First Secretary), Herlina Retnowati, SE (Secretary II), Dr. Ir.  Dwi Hastuti, MSc (Treasurer I), Dr. Ir . Sulistijorini, MSI (Treasurer II) and Dr.drh. Gunanti, MS (Treasurer III). (Wied).