Deans of the Faculties through out Indonesia meet in IPB

Deans of the Faculties through out Indonesia meet in IPB


The academic quality of the Animal Husbandry Department should be improved, especially in the aspects of technology, biotechnology and entrepreneurship. Such skills are needed in response to the labor market, so said the Director General of Livestock and Animal Health, drh (vet.) Prabowo Respatyo Caturoso, MM, PhD in the National Conference for Indonesian Leaders Forum of Livestock Higher Education, (21/12).

Acknowledged by Prabowo, the interest and quality of the graduates in the field of livestock at present has decreased, but to achieve self-sufficiency in meat, 2014, Indonesia needs a reliable expertise in animal breeding.

He further expressed that the need for livestock is no longer emphasized on the aspect of breeding, but rather more on the technology and industry of livestock; and apart from that, some part of the existing curriculum should be devoted to internship programs for students to work in livestock industries

Meanwhile, Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry IPB, Dr. Luki Abdullah said that a lack of lab facilities and infrastructure is one of the factors in the decreased quality of graduates. According to him, there must the right ratio between the number of cattle and that of the students for practical work; the faculty requires a large capital. For example, to observe the organs of cattle, how many cows are needed for 200 students to do the practicum at one time?, without mentioning the need for other animals, he emphasized.

In addition, an advantage of a livestock region can also be used as a determinant factor in the curriculum to be developed in the region.

Luki further said, through this forum, some proposals for future livestock educational standards will be given to the government to help it to contribute to the development of livestock in Indonesia.

In this 3rd National Consensus, Dr. Ir. Luki Abdullah, Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry IPB, was selected as Secretary-General of FPPTPI for the period 2011-2014, replacing Prof. Dr. Hartutik, Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Brawidjaya, who has served as the Secretary General since 2007.

Officially opened by Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs IPB, Prof. Yonny Koesmaryono, the event was attended by Deans, Heads of Departments, Heads of Livestock Study Programs  from 17 state and non-state universities all over Indonesia such as UGM, UB, UNS, UNAND, UNHALU, UNIB, UNILA, UNJA, UNDANA, UM Malang, UM Banjarmasin, UM Bengkulu, UNIDA and University of Al-Zaitun (mtd).