Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (IMD) Reducing infant mortality by 22 Percent

Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (IMD) Reducing infant mortality by 22 Percent


Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (IMD) has reduced infant mortality by 22 percent. This statement was made by Chairman of the Indonesian Lactation Center, dr.Utami Roesli, SpA, MBA, IBCLC, FABM in the Seminar on Golden Standard of Infant Feeding, Tuesday, 21 December 2010 in the Darmaga Campus. "So far, we’ve treated newborns babies in wrong methods. Once a baby is born, the baby then will be cleaned, bathed, and laid  separately  from his mother. One of the first obligations of a mother of a newborn baby is to make sure that you give Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (IMD).  That baby should be cleaned, cut his placenta, then he should be laid down in his mother for at least 1 hour. Next baby will crawl towards the nipple for breastfeeding, "said dr.Utami.

The advantage of the IMD,  when laying the baby on the mother chest, the warm of  his mother will comfort  the baby, transfer bacteria from mother to baby, as when the baby  licking mother skin he will swallow the bacteria that will colonize in the infant, the psychological bonding which develops between the child and the mother is unparalleled and does not have any alternative, and  ensures that a newborn receives colostrum, the “first milk.” Colostrum is often considered the baby’s first immunization because of its high levels of vitamin A, antibodies, and other protective factors.  Early and frequent breastfeeding, especially if accompanied by maternal-infant skin-to-skin contact, stabilizes the baby’s temperature, respiratory rate, and blood sugar level.  In addition, touching, sucking, and licking the nipple stimulates releases oxytocin and prolactin, hormones that relax the mother and make her feel more nurturing toward her baby,  reduces risk of mother’s postpartum hemorrhage,  and help to strengthen the maternal bond. 

"While the  IMD act going on,  especially  when the baby’s skin attached to the mother’s skin the baby father may pray," says dr.Utami. The long-term impact of breastfeeding it will  improve mental health of children and adolescents. The longer breastfeeding will be given, the less child and adolescent will have mental disorders.

According to dr. Utami,  the success of mothers’ breastfeeding was also influenced by the fathers’ baby. In one study, among the 115 (hundred fifteen) women who were successful in the  breastfeeding,  26.9 percent  of their  hubands were group of fathers who understand breastfeeding,  while  98.1 percent  were fathers who are knowlegeable on  breastfeed milking. This shows the role of fathers in successful breastfeeding is very high, so the Michigan States University recommends breastfeeding education for fathers and families in the ANTE NATAL CARE (Wied).