In 2010, 41 Innovations of IPB Researchers among the Most Prospective 102 Works

In 2010, 41 Innovations of IPB Researchers among the Most Prospective 102 Works


A total of 41 innovative works of IPB (Bogor Agricultural University) researchers fall into the most prospective innovation according to the assessment by in the Business Innovation Center (BIC), Ministry of Research and Technology. So said Rector of IPB, Prof. Dr. Herry Suhardiyanto in his speech to open the Seminar on Research Results 2010, which was organized by Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) IPB, Monday (13/12) in IPB International Conventional Center (IICC).

Such seminar is an annual routine activity as the means of meeting and presentations by IPB researchers. "The researches presented are those funded by the government, from the funding sources such as DIPA IPB, Higher Education, Department of Agriculture, and State Ministry of Research and Technology (KNRT). Of 330 submitted proposals, 201 receive such funding and today the research results are presented," said Rector. This time there are 5 fields of studies to be presented , namely energy, natural resources and environment, food, socio-economics and culture, technology and engineering as well as biology and health.

Chairman of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) IPB, Prof. Bambang Pramudya N said that the results of these studies need to be disseminated immediately in the form of journal publications, conference papers, technological packages and other applications of resulted science and technology. "This seminar, in addition to disseminating those results, can be used as a means to continue to work to improve the quality of research results. With the communication among researchers through seminars and also with stakeholders, it is expected that the contribution of IPB would improve to developing a higher quality IPTEKS (Science, and Technology and Arts), said Prof. Bambang Pramudya accompanied by Chairman of the Committee, Dr. Prastowo. (mtd)