HAPPI: The Management of Coastal Resources, Marine and Small Islands

HAPPI: The Management of Coastal Resources, Marine and Small Islands


The biological diversity and the high degree of endemism of many species on small island in Indonesia is well known.  This resources are a very important asset for the national building, says Secretary General of Himpunan Ahli Pengelolaan Pesisir Indonesia (HAPPI = Association of Indonesian Coastal Management Specialist), Prof. Dietriech G Bangen, DEA,  in the event of the National Symposium on Management of Coastal, Marine and Small Islands at IPB International Convention Center, 18 November 2010.

The theme of the this National Symposum which was organized by  HAPPI in cooperation with the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences of Bogor Agricultural University was "Contribution of Science and Technology for  the Management of Coastal Resources, Marine and Small Islands".

Deputy Minister of Industry of  Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Alex S.W.  Retraubun stated in his remarks  that up to now  nothing to be proud of from  the Indonesian marine and fisheries sector.

Indonesian maritime sectors remain untauched, in general most of the Indonesian do not aware  about  the beauty of the underwater world of Indonesia, and those beauty might be promoted to be one of the tourist object.

“ Teknologi kemaritiman Indonesia masih  sangat memprihatinkan, saat ini  Indonesia hanya jago dalam penyediaan bahan baku, kita belum main industri, itu karena kelemahan kita dibidang IPTEK”, tambahnya.

"The Indonesian maritime technology is still very alarming, currently  Indonesia is  only noted to be provider  of raw materials, we haven’t yet arrived at the industrial era, as Indonesia is lack behind in the development of science and technology", he added.

Prof. Alex confident that marine fisheries will bring prosperity  for  Indonesia. We will be able to develop maritime technology if we achieve maritime industry.
The symposium was expected to produce recommendations, one of which was  for the development of  research programs leading for its application on the industrial sectors.

In line with this, the Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Bogor Agricultural University,  Prof. Indra Jaya, reiterated that it’s time for HAPPI to mplement  the results of its  research programs on the  utilization of coastal, marine and small islands. (Wied).