Landscape Architecture Profession Must Participate Since Early Development

Landscape Architecture Profession Must Participate Since Early Development


Indonesian Association of Landscape Architecture (IALI), in collaboration with the Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) and the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education, Republic of Indonesia, held  National Scientific Symposium held of IALI 2010 on  ‘Empowerment of Landscape Architecture Profession in Participation in Solving Environmental Damage and Natural Disasters Through Conservation and Spatial Planning Approach ‘, Wednesday (10/11) at IPB International Convention Centre, Bogor.

In his speech, Chairman of the Committee, Dr. Ir. Bambang Sulistyantara, M. Agr said the symposium is an effort to communicate the works of analyses, planning and design of landscape architecture nationally. "The topic chosen is appropriate to the situation of our country, where the spatial aspects which are not carried out as intended can cause damage and harm the environment al system and community survival. The solutions presented in the symposium papers are grouped into three parts, namely spatial planning and design, environmental and cultural conservation, and those related to the development of green infrastructure and green building," said Dr.Bambang.

Chairman of IALI Ir. Hengki Triyogo Heksanto added that this symposium is important to collect manuscripts to solve the problems, especially natural disasters. "Landscape Architecture profession is often involved in the phase of implementation only. It is still considered complementary. It should be a pioneer in national architectural planning and design," he said.

According to the Vice Rector for Resources and Development of IPB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Hermanto Siregar, M. Ec in his speech expressed the theme raised in this symposium is very timely. According to him, there are too given big forces that can have negative impacts. "First is the development process which is a necessity at both national and local level. The development so far achieved is an accumulative process of development since the New Order. There have been a lot of construction going on, but there are also negative impacts. Landscape Architecture should have been involved early in the development planning, not for just beauty justification, "said Prof. Herman. Secondly, we are on the ring of fire or disaster areas, which is also given. In the face of these two given forces, what we can do is anticipatory steps.

Now the government is planning to move the capital city, says Prof. Herman, already there are three candidates of location selected for replacement. "I think Landscape Architecture needs to be invited to design the process of capital development. There should a more active communication and participation between IALI and other professions for example, ISEI (Indonesian Economist Association), making its role more significant," explained Prof. Herman.

The first keynote speaker, Prof. Tong Mahn Ahn, Department of Landscape Architecture and Rural System Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea presented the history of landscape architecture in the past that consisted of three kingdoms before the Japanese colonization. "National degradation occurred during the Japanese colonization and it was followed by improvement of housing by the New Society Movement," said Prof. Tong.

In the process of industrialization, urbanization and arrangement of public space in Korea, Prof. Tong said the government made policies that include direct control of the green belts, city parks and greenery, open public spaces on private land, making the guidelines for the city park in each province, providing incentives for reforestation, protecting sceneries that are historical symbols or value and carrying out special projects in the construction of city parks in various places. "The government is also involving the private sector in managing urban spatial structure, as evidenced there are few companies to donate funds for greening the city," said Prof.Tong.

Further, the second key speaker from Deputy for Spatial Planning, Ministry of Environment, Dr. Heru Waluyo M. Kom explained about the causes of environmental degradation and natural disasters through conservation and spatial planning approaches and how to overcome them.

On that occasion, 68 titles of scientific manuscripts were collected and 48 titles will selected for publication in national and international scientific journals. (mtd)