West Java Works together with IPB to Create Independent Agricultural Youth

West Java Works together with IPB to Create Independent Agricultural Youth


"I once met an alumnus of IPB. In 2009 he had 40 Etawa goats. This year 2010 I met him again. I asked how many goats he has now; and he said: 440. Now his monthly net income is not less than Rp 25 million," told the West Java Governor Ahmad Heryawan, who was immediately greeted by the applause of 200 participants in Entrepreneurship Training on Independent Agricultural Youth, who crowded the Rectorate Auditorium of Andi Hakim Nasoetion, Darmaga Campus of Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Bogor, (31/10).

Ahmad Heryawan further said that the agricultural sectors, including fisheries and livestock, will give tremendous added value to the players. "There was a computer graduate who entirely changed his profession as a programmer and chose to become  a cow breeder. He admits that his income as a cattle rancher is ten times greater than that of a programmer," he said. "I hope from this training participants will become entrepreneurs in lele, gurame, goat, or beef cattle. Be a rich man, all of you, by exploring the great potential of agriculture," added the Governor.

This training is a cooperation between the Provincial Government of West Java and IPB. Rector of IPB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Herry Suhardiyanto, M.Sc expressed his appreciation to the West Java provincial government. "The government of West Java has shown to be very concerned with the development of agricultural resources. Only a week after officially taking office, the Governor of West Java immediately requested the signing of cooperation with IPB to  develop agriculture in West Java. West Java is blessed with abundant natural resources, but we are both facing the reality that not all of our young generation loves farming. The young people do not feel a higher status if they work in the field of agriculture. Yet this is a big mistake. In fact agriculture is a very promising sector," said Rector. According to him, to promote agriculture in West Java we need young men who have the knowledge in this field. The population of 4 million sheep and 1 million beef cattle in West Java should be a challenge for the youth to take. This cooperation is one form of IPB’s commitments as a college to the development of entrepreneurship, not only for its students but also for the wider community.

According to the Committee Chairman, who is also Head of Human Resource Development Center (P2SDM), Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) IPB, Dr. Pudji Muljono, this training, planned to last for 1.5 months, is aimed to give knowledge and skills to the youth about agribusiness, besides to increase the interest of the youth in doing  agribusiness, particularly fisheries and livestock as well as to improve the pilot projects of Independent Agricultural Youth in West Java. "Of the 485 total applicants, after going through a series of selection, 200 people will be taken. They are between 17-35 years old," he explained.

In addition to theoretical material, this training will give practical aspects, internships in related agribusiness, as well as various other motivational activities such as campus tours and outbound. It will be conducted at IPB Campus,  Darul Falah Islamic Boarding School of Agriculture Bogor, Livestock and Research Education Unit of Jonggol (UP3J), Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Center for Zeni Education (Pusdikzi), and Center for Freshwater Aquaculture Development of Sukabumi. The opening of the training was also attended by Head of Fishery Services of West Java, Head of Livestock Services of West Java , and other leaders of IPB.(mtd)