Afternoon Talk: Prospect of Jabon
TREE Jabon, relatively unheard of farmers engaged in cultivation of cash crops in the region. People tend to be more familiar with sengon. In reality, the economic value of Jabon trees is better than Sengon tree, as explained by Mr. Sendy Putra Nugraha, businessmen on Jabon Nursery Seedling who was invited as a resource person at the Afternoon Talk for RRI Bogor Dialogue, on 26 October 2010. The dialogue was held by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Bogor Agricultural University.
Jabon ( Anthocephalus cadamba) is one type of wood is growing very fast. Jabon has several advantages compared with other timber plants including sengon / albizia, in addition to grow rapidly, the diameter of this species grows around 10cm/year. At the age of 12 years can reach 20 m high with a diameter of 30 cm. At the age of 6-8 years it is ready to be harvested, ng which farmers are expected to reap the benefits of hundreds of millions. The uniqueness of this species, its trunk straight cylindrical and does not buttress. Jabon does not require pruning as during the growth most branches will fall off itself.
Jabon is an easy growing tree and requires no special treatment, he said. Currently a mainstay Jabon timber industry, including plywood, because plywood industries are ready to accept in an unlimited quantities, he added.
However, as tree planting is an annual investment, it is suggusted that jabon cultivation should be intercropped with spices like ginger and yellow ginger (Curcuma), as additional source of income.
In Sendy’s experiences, difficulties in finding farmers who are interested in Jambon was the main constraints in this forestry businesses. In the average, farmer unable to survive in its management. The length of harvesting time is the obstacle for farmers who would cultivate Jabon. (Wied).