Bogor Agricultural University Delegates attending the Asia Pacific Adaptation Forum 2010, in Bangkok, Thailand

Bogor Agricultural University Delegates attending the Asia Pacific Adaptation Forum 2010, in Bangkok, Thailand


More than 500 delegates  represented  governments, researchers, and representatives of the Asia Pacific countries, as well as the  international Funding Organizations  attended the Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum 2010 for two days, 21 – 22 October  2010,  at the United Nations Conference Center (UNCC), Bangkok, Thailand.

Bogor Agricultural University delegates to attend the internatioal event, were Mr. Doddy July Irawan, researcher of the Center for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management Southeast Asia and Pacific  (CCROM-SEAP),  and Uan Subhan and Nursyamsi Sham, both students of the Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry – Bogor Agricultural University. The aim of the “Adaptation of Forum 2010” was to improve the cooperation and synergies, especially in the Asia Pacific region to share knowledge, technology transfer, and establish networks in the context of climate change adaptation. The expected outcome of the “Adaptation of Forum 2010” was the formulation of innovations ideas,  especially inputs from the member countries which will be integrated  and  adapted for its implementation. 

The forum was officially opened  by the Mr. Young-Woo Park, the Regional Director and Representative for Asia and the Pacific of  the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), who  emphasized  the climate change challenges for the Asia Pacific region which  are particularly vulnerable. Therefore, it is imperative to establish a forum to discuss the  applicability of the  adaptations each country. Other items of the agenda of this international event was the panel discussion which was focused on the climate change adaptations, such as vertical and horizontal integration in planning and funding mechanisms in developing countries. One of the important  activities set by the Organizing Comittee was the Market Place or exhibitions and promotion of delegates’ institutional products.  Bogor Agricultural University which is active and excellence in research programs was given opportunity to participate in the Market Place, in this special occassion the University promoted the research products of  the Center for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management Southeast  Asia and Pacific  (CCROM-SEAP). Some research-related activities on climate change adaptation and mitigation of CCROM-SEAP were exhibited in the Market Place. Follow-up actions to be taken  of the “Adaptation of Forum 2010” will be the improvement of cooperation, information exchange and and technology transfer between institutions, universities and government in the synergetic of climate change adaptation. (Wied).