Women Study Program (PSW) of IPB is Ready to Stand Alone
The Women Study Program (PSW) of IPB is considered to have sufficiently long assistance to separate from the Center for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies (PSP3), Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) IPB. This assessment was delivered by the Head of LPPM IPB, Prof. Dr. Bambang Pramudya in the discussion on the formulation of Strategic Plan of PSW IPB, Friday (22/10) in Baranangsiang Campus of IPB.
“PSW IPB should have acquired the capacity to stand alone. Emphasize the specific characteristics of PSW. Be assured that the roles and programs related to women are more effective in a formal institution,” said Prof. Bambang.
Head of PSW IPB, Dr. Ir. Titik Sumarti, MS, when asked for her response, said that the institution is ready to stand on its own feet. “When the time came, we would certainly become an independent center. We are still in the process. Therefore, the revitalization program of PSW in cooperation with the Directorate General of Higher Education and Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPPA) is an important and strategic moment for the future development of PSW IPB. However, we still need support from the highest leaders of IPB,” explained Dr. Titik.
The discussion session guided by the Vice Head of PSP3 IPB, Dr. Siti Amanah presented a resource person from KPPPA, the Deputy of Gender Mainstreaming Ir. Agustina Erni, M. Sc who delivered the paper "Mid and Long-Term Development Plan (RPJMP) and Policy of Women Empowerment and Child Protection." Also present in the discussion was the Director of Magna Transformation Consulting Group, Fahmi Samsul Huda, who presented his paper entitled "PSW’’s Strategic Planning and its Implementation Using BSC Framework." Another speaker was Dr. Sulistiono, Secretary of LPPM IPB, who talked about "Policy Directions for Research and Community Service." Some participants involved in the discussion were Prof. Dr. Rizal Sharif, Prof. Dr. Ali Khomsan, Prof. Dr. Aida Vitayala, Dr. Ikeu Tanziha Mukita, and a number of other women observers. (mtd)