Tribute To Senior

Tribute To Senior


"We feel greatly respected and flattered by the holding of this event," said Chairman of the Society of Retired IPB Employees, Prof. Dr. Ir. Soedarmadi in the event called ‘Tribute to Senior’, which was held as a series of the 47th IPB Anniversary (1 / 10) at IPB International Convention Center. Prof. Soedarmadi hopes this kind of event can be made a routine agenda of IPB in the future.

Rector of IPB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Herry Suhardiyanto said that the introduction of this vent is one form of appreciation for the services given by the elders to IPB. "On behalf of the leadership of IPB, I express gratitude for the presence of the elders (fathers and mothers) on this occasion. I’d like to say that without your sacrifice probably very it is very hard to manage IPB at present. We continue to maintain what you all (fathers and mothers) have made though hard work. "We make this event deliberately into a relax atmosphere. We hope this can be a vehicle for information exchange. We are expecting a variety of inputs and views from you all (father and mothers) for the advances of IPB in the future," said Rector.

Prof. Watimena, a retired teaching staff of the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture IPB, expressed his view that IPB should not continue to look up (too high targets) but it is important to look at the lives of farmer communities. Other valuable inputs were from other elders: Prof. Syarifudin Baharsyah, Prof. Yustika Baharsyah, Prof. Soewarno T Soekarto and others.

As a token of appreciation, the elders who were present were given some IPB’s products of excellence such as corn noodles, honey, rosella tea, and transparent soap. This event went smoothly wrapped in a variety of entertainment including the music groups Los Fapetos and D’Lingkers. Who are these two bands?

Who is d’Linkers?
D’Linkers is a band group with the members: Prof. Aman Wirakartakusumah (Rhythm Guitar), Prof. Dedi Fardiaz (Rhythm Guitar), Dr. drh. Joko Pamungkas (Lead Guitar), Dr. Anas D Susila (Keyboards), Ato (Drummer), Popon (Bass). The singers in the group are among others Hilda Ridwan Mas, Dr. drh. Bambang Purwantara, Ade Sukmayadi, and Indri Indrawan (TPG’38). D’Linkers is led by Dr. Lilian Nuraida (ITP Department of IPB), with its Director, Dr. Imam Suseno. At the age of one year old, this band has performed itself in various events both inside and outside Bogor. They can play all genres well.

Who is Los Fapetos?
Los Fapetos has actually long been established (since 1990) after its four personnel (Sudjana Natasasmita, Kartiarso, Pollung H. Siagian and Bambang Pangestu) returned from abroad to complete their studies in different periods. After Mr. Kartiarso came back to Indonesia in 1992, the singing was active again until 2008, precisely on September 27, 2008 when one member of LOS FAPETOS had passed way ahead of us all.

Not long afterwards, LOS FAPETOS was active again with three members who are still able to sing (Kartiarso, Pollung H. Siagian and Bambang Pangestu) and invited Mr. Salundik (also staff of Fapet IPB) and an alumni of Fapet IPB (Dr. Ir. Thamrin Panggabean, M. Sc) into a "recording studio" to commemorate the death of our beloved colleague (Mr. Sudjana Natasasmita) entitled "FOR A CLOSE FRIEND". The resulted recordings were sold to the fellow alumni on the day of Returning Home in 2008 and all the sale money was submitted to the family of Mrs. Sudjana who is left behind. All these efforts can not be separated from the initiative and hard work of our friend Mr. Ir. Zulfikar Moses, MS, starting with the recording and the sale of the CDs. Thanks to him.

In the recording, one item is Mars of Fapet IPB entitled "Jayalah Fapet IPB" authored by Mr. Dr. Ir. Kartiarso, MSc (currently unable to be present with us as he is visiting this child and child in-laws in the U.S.), recorded and sung by most of the personnel who were standing here. Then it was these people who are the official members of FAPETOS LOS, teaching staff and academic supporting staff of Fapet IPB, with Prof.. Dr. Ir. Muladno, MSA as the guiding person. (mtd)

The following is the personnel of LOS FAPETOS (New Generation):


Prof. Dr. Pollung H. Siagian, MS


Iyep Komala, S.Pt


Dr. Moh. Yamin




Dr. Asnath M. Fuah




Dr. Erika B. Lakoni




Dr. Dewi Apri Astuti




Ir. Sri Rahayu, MS




Ir. Widya Hermana, MS




Ir. Lucya Cyrilla, MSi