Bogor Agricultural University Launched New Varieties and Farmers Meeting

Bogor Agricultural University Launched New Varieties and Farmers Meeting


Bogor Agricultural University has launched 20 (twenty) new varieties as resulted by the  findings of its researchers, Sunday, 3 October 2010, at the Farmers Field Day on Darmaga Campus,  Bogor. The launch was marked with the delivery of superior quality seeds to the H. Mansur, as the representatives of farmers from Cianjur, by the Ministry of Agriculture, Mr. Suswono, and he was accompanied by the Rector of Bogor Agricultrual University, Prof.Dr.Ir.  Herry Suhardiyanto,  M.Sc., and the Executive Director of the IM-HERE Prof.Dr.Ir. Yonny Koesmaryono, as the event organizer.

Those new varieties were rice varieties IPB 1R Dadahup, IPB 2R Bakumpai;  chily  varieties  IPB CH3,  Pesona IPB, Seloka IPB;  DEA Potato; Papaya varieties Arum Bogor 1, Carisya Papaya, Papaya Sukma Sukabumi, Carlia Papaya, Papaya Callina;  Avocado MIKI; Unti Sayang  Banana; Pineapple PK-1; melon varities, Bright Meta, Meta Equator, Orange Meta, Meta Snow White and Sunrise Meta.

The Farmers Field Day which took place since 1 October 2010, according to Rector of Bogor Agricultural University is the commitment and consistency of the University in  promoting  agriculture in this country, since its conception 47 years ago.

This event was the contribution of Bogor  Agricultural University for the nation through hard and enduracne works of its researchers to develop new superior varieties. Unfortunately, that those new launched varieties , even called a variety of other countries. For example Papaya Callina IPB 9 which was invented by Prof. Sriani Sujiprihati, but when they are for sale on the supermarket they are even spoofed to be Papaya California. Though, in reality that papaya does not grow  in California, the United States, which has a subtropical climate," Rector said at length.

Expressing Feeling (Curhat)

The launching of  new varieties was continued  by  Sambung Rasa (Expressing Feelings) of  about 300 (three hundred)  farmers from Bogor, Cianjur, Sukabumi, Indramayu, Brebes,  Pekalongan and Pandaan, East Java. The spcecial event provide opportunities for farmers to express his feeling and ideas to the  Minister of Agriculture.

Katir, for example, farmers from Pekalongan, Central Java, complained  about the difficulty in applying for People’s Business Credit (KUR). He reported that some of the bank officers tried to ban his request. His experience was different with the explanation of the Minister who explained that KUR amounted to 20 million Rupiah requires no collateral. Similarly, if farmers apply for credit amounted to  100 million Rupiah, the bank will require only 20 million worth collateral.

Therefore, the Minister of Agriculture advised  farmers who encounter farming  problems to contact the hotline of the Ministry of Agriculture to the SMS Center 081 383 034 444. "If farmers find difficulties in the  field such as in requesting  extension services  for mentoring and partnerships, or if farmers get difficulties in applying credit from the banks, farmers are requested to report those banks (by specifying  the bank and its staff)  to the hotline for follow up actions.  Further the Minister stated, that the President was anxious that the  KUR funds should have been absorbed by farmers, "said Minister of Agriculture.

Meanwhile, Ahmad Bastari, chairman of Farmers Group Hurip of Cikarawang,  Bogor, utilized this special event as promotional media to promote his  Sweet Potatoes flour. As a result, Minister of Agriculture has promised to assist him by providing facilities and to chanelize his cassava flour in good quaity package to market. "Especially as he puts Bogor
Agricultural University logo in the package, it must be highly demanded," said Minister of Agriculture while visiting exhibition booths of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) of  Villages aroudn the campus of Bogor Agricultural University. (Wied).