Again IPB presents its Professors in Scientific Orations: Present in the Event Former Minister of Women Affairs

Again IPB presents its Professors in Scientific Orations: Present in the Event Former Minister of Women Affairs


Following the scientific oration by three professors of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) on 18 September, namely Prof. Ari Purbayanto with the title "Realizing Environmentally Friendly Fishing Technology for Sustainable Fisheries in Indonesia, Prof. Erliza with the title "The Role of Argoindustry Technology in the Development of Downstream Oil Palm Industries", and Prof. Sumarjo with the title "Extension Toward Development of Human and Social Capital in Realizing Public Health", on 25 September again IPB staged another scientific oration of three professors: Prof. Aida Vitayala Hubeis with the title "Mainstreaming Gender and Development: The Role of Communication", Prof. Bambang Juanda with the title "Experimental Economics to Development of an Economic Theory and Policy Assessment" and Prof. Muladno with the title "Reforming the Livestock Breeding in Securing the availability of Livestock Breeds in Indonesia."

Prof. Aida Vitayala Hubeis in her speech stressed that the struggle of gender in Indonesia is inseparable from the national movement, from the struggle for independence, education, welfare for the nation, to the success of the general elections in both central and regional governments. The struggle of women based on the movements of nationalism is not less harsh than that of men, which at the same time shows that women are not passive creatures. However, for the last 10 years, they have still been confronted with an obstacle, i.e. not yet accepted as leaders in making decisions. This is characterized in the low participation of women in decision-making in state institutions (legislative, executive, judicial) at various levels, from village to central. The problem that needs to be answered in the Indonesian context is to what extent women’s empowerment has been socialized and cultured after 10 years of Gender Mainstreaming (PUG) being an issue in political communications? What form of communication is considered strategic for its socialization? Further he said, gender as an issue in the political communication, has been quite eloquently voiced in various forum, but it’s not understood as an analytical tool for understanding social processes in the context of social relations between women and men (gender). Thus, he assured that the intervention of gender awareness as a process of dialogue is how to position women and men so that they can together take the control of public decision making, change gender-biased practices and legislations which disadvantage one type of gender. In other words, the missions and vision of gender mainstreaming in development still need to be disseminated and promoted, not just to be internalized in the heart of every decision-making apparatus but also  in the hearts of all children of the nation, men and women. One question posed by Prof. Aida to us all is, "Have we become aware of gender?"

Meanhile Prof. Bambang Juanda in his speech highlighted some concepts or approaches and analyses already developed by economists to study economic phenomena. One that will bring revolution in economics is the development of innovative techniques in experimental economics, which applies the induced-value theory to control environment or make other factors equal (ceteris paribus). Economists suggest that each microeconomics textbook for a graduate level includes the topic of behavioral economics and experimental economics so that there is a balance between subject matter, theory and empirical data that will facilitate student’s understanding of economic theories. Empirical evidence shows that students who take a course with experiments at its part understand economic theories better than those who attend classes without any experiments. Therefore, ignoring the facts or behaviors of economic actors can reduce the motivation of students’ learning because they feel too wide differences between the economic theories presented in class and the behaviors seen in everyday life. Experimental economics is not just for the development of an economic theory, but this approach also has great potential in helping with additional materials for those to consider in formulating economic policies.

According to Prof. Bambang, the barrier in the development of experimental economics is the status quo. Many economists or scientists who are already indoctrinated (brainwashed) believe firmly that the economics is non-experimental science and it is impossible to control the generation of research data in a similar way as it is done in the experiment in hard sciences such as physics, chemistry and biology. In contrast, many economists or scientists outside Indonesia view that experiments in economy is not only possible, but also  methodologically it is required, and very useful as a ‘teaching tool’,

Prof. Mulando began his speech by citing the low intake of animal protein among Indonesian people. On the other hand, Indonesia still imports milk, beef, and beef cattle, which increases in quantity every year. Because of the high interest in imports of meat and beef cattle from abroad, as well as increased production of beef, lots of cows Indonesia are crossbred with foreign breeds so that the number of Indonesian cows continues to decline. The conservational aspects of Indonesian animal are not considered and but only its economic aspects. A legal instrument to regulate the breeding in Indonesia is not available either as yet. This will endanger the survival of Indonesian livestock in the future. For this reason according to Prof. Muladno it is important to do the arrangement of cattle breeding in Indonesia. In principle the breeding arrangement, which is also mandated by the Law no. 18/2009 and RPP Breeding is: First, the government (central, provincial, and local) must be responsible for the conservation of animal genetic resources in Indonesia so that the availability of livestock can be secured for the benefit of future generations. Second, governments should be able to act as an example for breeders and wider public in the field of livestock farming in Indonesia and could prove that Indonesian cattle have many potential and advantages. Third, in order to increase economic added value, the government should encourage and if necessary to give incentives to investors who want to do business in the field of livestock breeding in Indonesia. Fourth, farmers, practitioners in the field of animal husbandry, and society should be facilitated and nurtured in an effort to improve the genetic quality of livestock through a planned crossbreeding program because economically it can increase the income and welfare of breeders, Fifth, the basic and applied research to improve the genetic quality of livestock in Indonesia conducted by universities and government research institutions should be better coordinated so that efficiency and productivity in the use of government funds can be further increased.

Present in the scientific oration were the leaders of IPB, professors, families of orators, and a number of invited guests. Also attending among the guests were Akbar Tandjung, Roy Sembel and Tuty Alawiyah (former Minister for Women Affairs). On October 2, 2010 another scientific oration will be held to present three professors, namely, Prof. Budi Mulyanto, Prof. Endriatmo Soetarto, and Prof. Arif Budiono.