Austrian students Undertake the Evolution Ecology and Islands Biogeography Training Course at Bogor Agricultural University
In order to improve the capacity of students about tropical ecology, particularly on the evolutionary ecology and biogeography of the islands (island biogeography), Bogor Agricultural University organized 6th International Training Course in Tropical Ecology and Rapid Biodiversity Assessment. This year Bogor Agricultural University received 15 foreign students from the University of Vienna, Austria and 14 male students of Bogor Agricultural University from the Department of Conservation for Forest Resources & Ecotourism, Forest Management, Forest Products Technology and Silviculture, of Faculty of Forestry, and Department of Plant Protection of Faculty of Agriculture. Those 29 (twenty nine) participants were officially accepted by the Rector, Prof. Herry Suhardiyanto, MSc on the Meeting Room of Rector, Darmaga Campus, on 20 September 2010.
In his welcome address, he strongly support this International Training Program, as this event will improve the international cooperation, as well as also to be the venue for international scientific discussion among its participants. Further, he expected that this International Training, will be a channel to promote the university to attract more foreign students to pursue their study at Bogor Agricultural University.
The participants will undertake the program until October 2010, and they have been given opportunities to visit the Bogor Botanical Gardens, Nature Conservation Education Program Bodogol, Gunung Gede – Pangrango National Park, and will visit several national parks and nature reserves such as the krakatau dan Peucang, and Ujung Kulon National Park. (Wied).