Bogor Agricultural University to Host 53rd IAAS Congress

Bogor Agricultural University to Host 53rd IAAS Congress


International Association of Students in Agriculture and Related Sciences (IAAS) is the first organization established by Student Activity Unit in Tunis. Such organization was established in Indonesia 17 (seventeen) years ago. The founders were 5 (five) students from the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB). Up to now, 6 (six) local committees (LC) are active in Indonesia, those local committess are as follows: (1).  Bogor Institute of Agriculture; (2). Padjadjaran University,  Bandung; (3). Brawidjaja Univerfsity, Malang; (4). Diponegoro University, Semarang;  and (5). The University of Haluoleo, Kendari.

One of its  annual  programs planned by  IAAS is the World Congress (WoCo),  and for the  year 2010  Indonesia, represented by Bogor Agriccultural University, was selected to host this World Conggress.  One of the Agenda for the WoCo series is  the General Assembly (GA), as well as various seminars to be held in respective  LC. The theme of the 53rd IAAS World Congress is "The Power of Local Resources to Support Food, Energy, and Trade" The journey of  WoCo  in Indonesia began when the delegates attended the  the GA at the Barawidjaja University, then to attend other seminar on energy at Padjadjaran University, and finally arrived at the Bogor Agricultural University for a seminar on food. Whereas,  a seminar on trade (trade) was held at the Museum of Bank Indonesia, Jakarta.

A series of WoCo programs at Bogor Agricultural University was organized such as an international seminar on food, and scientific paper presentations (ISPP) which was held on  27 July – 1 August 2010. WoCo delegations were 37 (thrity seven) persons coming from 12 (twelve) countries, they arrived in Bogor on 27 July 2010 and were accomodated at the “Wisma International”. While the other 12 (twelve) participants for paper presentation  from the University of Gajah Mada University, Universiti Putra Malaysia,  and Bogor Agricultural Univerity were accomodated at “Landhuis Guesthouse”.

The International Seminar was held at the Auditorium Abdul Muis Nasution, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, on 28 July 2010. The theme of the seminar was  "The Power of Local Resources to Support Food Security, Food Diversification, and Food Safety." 130 (one hundred thirty) participants were registered for this international event, they were from Bogor Agricultural University and other universities as well.  This seminar were  attended by Director of Student Affairs of Bogor Agricultural University, Dr. Rimbawan,  Prof. Dr. Ir. C. Hanny Wijaya, as  IAAS chairman,  and representatives from sponsoring organizatino, the Omar Taraki Niode Foundation.

Keynote speaker  on food security was delivered by representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture, Dr. Tjuk Eko Hari Basuki. While papers on food diversification was delivered  by one of the of lecturers of the year of Indonesia, drh. Rizal M. Damanik, MRepSc., Ph.D. Final session on  food safety was presented by  dr. Husniah Rubiana Thamrin from BPOM, the moderator for this event was  Ir. Sukarno from the Department of Food Science and Technology and Dr. Rimbawan.

After the seminar, delegates of WoCo joined the conference tour  to the Bogor Botanical Gardens. In the evening, delegates and committees attended the  Welcome Dinner at the City Hall in Bogor, which was attended by Vice-Mayor of Bogor drh. Rahmat Ru’yat, MSi.

The following day, it was continued by international scientific paper presentation.  There were  14 (fourteen) papers from Bogor Agricultural University, Gadjah Mada University,  and Universti Putra Malaysia presented in this  international event. Then afternoon was free time for theparticipants, where the  delegates were doing various activities such as basketball, futsal at the gymnasium, jogging around the campus, and some took rests in their rooms. At night, all the Organizing Committees members, participants and delegates joined together for the barbeque party in the gazebo Landhuis.

At the third day, the delegates were given opportunitie to have  internal Excursion to the cow D’Farm, ICDF and SEAFAST CENTER. Delegatess and participants seemed very enthusiastic to visit  the cow farm, see the rice fields, and laboratories in SEAFAST. After taking a short break, on the evening the delegates went to the Botanical Square, visiting the Botanical Corner. Official Dinner was  held at Gili-Gili Restaurant in Padjadjaran. All participants were impressed by dinner at it was held at such a romantic place, with  Bogor by night atmosphere and Sundanese background. 

Agenda for the 4th Day  was External Excursion to TMII (Indonesian Beautiful in Miniature), and the delegates visited the Museum of Indonesia and the Bird Park. On their  free time, they visited  various  provincial stands  and other museums. Dinner and farewell party was held at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK IPB). Farewell party was designed as festive as possible, and the Comittee and the delegates mixed up together by games they participated especially the how  to make salad demo, and the social dance “Poco-poco”. The committee selected and granted awards to Mr. and Ms. Congeniality,  Mario from Spain and Sussane from  Germany, respectively. While Jouri Lagrou from Belgium and Emma from the USA, were selected as  Mr. and Ms. Woco 2010. The event was terminated by group photo of the committee and delegation.

The last day, the delegates  have had  breakfast with the committee and then went to Jakarta to attend a series WoCo at 10:00 O’clock. Congratulations to the WoCo committee who had made the International event  successful. Finally, the IAAS World Congress organizers acknolwedged the financial support from the  sponsors, such as Bogor Agricultural University,  Directorate General of Higher Education of Indonesia, PT. Flour Mills, Omar Taraki Niode Foundation, Indocafe, Garuda Indonesia, Greenfield, Buavita, PT. Van Melle, Gili dyke Restaurant and Cafeteria Zea Mays. Media partners SCTV, Food Review Indonesia, Kulinologi Indonesia, RRI Pro-4, and all parties that have made the event well implemented. (Wied)

IAAS, think globally, act locally!