Friday Tout at the Village of Sinarsari: IPB Gives Four Young Male Sheep
The Friday Tour Team of Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) gave four male sheep to breeders on a profit sharing system, Friday (5 / 8) in the Village of Sinarsari. "The four animals are going to be fattened, and then at the Eid al-Adha they are sold and the profit is divided according to a revenue sharing system approved by both parties. Thus, they are not for slaughter," said a researcher at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry (FAPET) IPB, Dr.Sri Rahayu. IPB chose to give sheep because it is easily maintained, whereas cows require extra care. “We provide sheep to the breeders on the conditions that they have their own cage and are able to care for as well as find the grass," said Dr.Sri. During the fattening process the IPB team will assist with a rapid fattening technique. IPB hopes this fattening program will later transfer to other breeders.
The team leader of the Friday Tour of the Institute for Research and Community Service, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB SBRC) Dr. drh. Hasim, DEA added that this provision would not make the breeders neglect doing religious activities and families. "Do not be so much involved in taking care of the sheep that you forget daily five-time prayers and the kids, etc." said Dr.Hasim.
In his speech, Dr.Hasim warned residents to be grateful for the provision by Allah (God) from the nature. "We are often more thankful for the food from agricultural products as the source of human energy than for the sunlight as the energy source for the plant photosynthesis. Yet without sunlight all the plants can not produce food needed by humans, “he said.
By thanking for such provision, God will add His bounty. The Dean of Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty (FMIPA) IPB remind the residents to make no distinction between foods for humans. According to him, cassava, maize and rice are the same as the source of human energy. People who eat rice are no better than those who eat corn because both foods have advantages for humans. "Whether an agricultural product is valuable or not is a human evaluation. For farmers grass may be not so valuable that it is not removed and discarded. On the other hand, in the football World Cup matches, the price of grass on the football field is very expensive," said Dr.Hasim.
The District Chief of Dramaga, Arom Rusmandar expressed his thank to IPB who had helped their citizens, especially those of Sinarsari village to improve the village’s local potentials such as taro chips ‘Belitung’ and ‘bandrek’ and welfare. "IPB also has marketed their product (taro chips) in the Botany Stand at the Botany Square," he said happily.
The District Chief of Dramaga also asked his people to consider environmental issues. "Villagers here combine livestock pens and their houses, so one can not distinguish between human houses and goat cages. It would be better to concentrate goat pens on a certain place to prevent anthrax disease," he asserted. He hopes one day the Village of Sinarsari to become a model village like the Village of Cikarawang.
Also present on that occasion were the Village Chief of Sinarsari, Muhammad Latip; Researcher SEAFAST Center IPB, Sumarto, TP S.; and Representative of Posdaya IPB, Warcito, SP. Each IPB representative gave some inputs to the residents. IPB SEAFAST Center promised to help with the process of arranging a permit for home industries. IPB Posdaya will assist with the development of small-medium businesses.(mtd)