University Farm

University Farm

Implementing the task to coordinate the management and service of field facilities of academic support covering:  educational farm, educational forest, pond, marine station, grazing land and livestock production  to support the activities of Tridharma of Higher Education.


  1. Implementing the coordination of services supporting field facilities of Tridharma of Higher Education;
  2. Providing the service toward the use of supporting field facilities of technology dissemination; and
  3. Developing database and information system of management and use of field facilities for the activities of Tridharma of Higher Education and establishing the coordination system through the development of database.

The Manager of University Farm consists of:

a.  Head;
b.  Secretary;
c.  Academic Services Section; and
d.  Promotion and Cooperation Section.


Head of University Farm
Dr.Ir. Tri Prartono, M.Sc

Secretary of University Farm
Ir. Sofyan Zaman, M.P.

Head of Promotion and Cooperation Section of University Farm
Anang Sumarna, S.Pd

Head of Academic Services Section of University Farm
Suhartini, S.Sos

Campus of IPB Dramaga Bogor
Phone. 0251-