Directorate of Research and Innovation

Directorate of Research and Innovation

Dr. Ir. Iskandar Zulkarnaen Siregar, M.For.Sc.

Head Division of Research Agenda and Publication
Dr.Ir. Nurul Khumaida, M.Si

Head Division of HKI and Innovation
Dr. I Ketut Mudite Adnyane

Sub Directorate

  1. Sub Directorate of Research Agenda and Publication

  2. Sub Directorate of HKI and Innovation

Main Task

The sub directory carries out the duties and administration of institution in the research of strategical issue from a local, national or international scope in increasing the role and contribution of the institutions ideas towards the development of agriculture in a large scope and national development and intellectual property rights and increasing scientific publishment.


  1. Coordinating The Analysis Of Strategic Issues In Agriculture In A Broad Scope And National Development

  2. Developing The Research Agenda And Strategical Analysis

  3. Developing A Research Based Data

  4. Coordination The Increase Utilization Of Research Competence Through Research Sharing.

  5. Carrying Out Social Aspects And Increasing HKI Revenue

  6. Coordinating The Management And Increase Of Scientific Journal Publishment Within The Institutions Environment.


As the Intellectual Right Office (HKI), IPB’s RKS offers service in HKI affairs not only to IPB’s academic staff but also to the public society both individual on at the institutional level. The serve offered by IPB’s RKS directorate are listed below:

  1. Determining The Strategy Of HKI’s Protection

  2. Patent Searching

  3. Patent Drafting

  4. Organizing HKI Registration

  5. Organizing Training And Seminare


Gedung Andi Hakim Nasoetion Lantai 5
Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680
Telepon      : 0251-8624 512
Faksimile   : 0251-8624 512
E-mail         : dit_rks[at]
Website      :