Faculty of Forestry and Environment IPB University Holds Social Forestry Deepening Training

In order to strengthen the Social Forestry Program (PS) which became the theme of the Innovation Real-Thematic Work Lecture (KKNT) of the Faculty of Forestry and Environment (Fahutan) IPB University, on 6-7/6 Fahutan IPB University held a Social Forestry Deepening Training activity in the Sylva Conference Room, IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor.
The training program began with remarks from the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof Noor Farikhah Haneda. She said that, “Garut Regency is a KKNT location district with a special program, namely social forestry,” explained Prof Noor.
Meanwhile, Director of Development of Agromaritime Communities (DPMA) IPB University, Dr Handian Purwawangsa said that this training was held in collaboration between the Directorate General of Social Forestry and Environmental Partnership, Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) and DPMA IPB University.
“This training activity must be attended by students who carry out KKNT in Garut Regency, consisting of students from the Faculty of Forestry and Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Science, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Faculty of Animal Science and Faculty of Human Ecology,” said Dr Handian.
He hopes that this deepening training activity can provide new insights and insights to students regarding programs that will be implemented in KKNT activities.
The training presented speakers from the Directorate of Social Forestry Business Development and the Directorate of Social Forestry Area Preparation and the Directorate of Environmental Partnership.
The topics discussed in the activity consisted of Marking of boundary areas and preparation of cultivated share maps; Preparation of social forestry management plans and formation of Social Forestry Business Groups (KUPS); Identification of potential superior commodities; Increasing productivity and entrepreneurship of PS business groups; Forest Areas with Special Management (KHDPK); and PS assistance in KHDPK. (*/Lp) (IAAS/NYS)